Monday, October 2, 2017

Bad News! Durango Wildlands Close Beta Test Extended January 2018

Bad news Pioneers! Recently, Durango Wild Lands team posted a huge announcement on their facebook page. They are extending the close beta testing of the game till January 2018.

The close beta test for Durango Wild Lands was supposed to end on October 19, 2017. Here is a more in-depth news about that. But for some reason, the team decides to extend it till next year. Here is the official post from Durango's facebook page:
durango wildlands cbt extended
Source: Link

Many players are very excited for the official release of this game. Most of them are still waiting ever since the release of the game trailer. This really is a very sad news for them.

What is even more sad is that some players cannot even play the close beta test because it is only available for few selected countries. There is away to play the CBT even if your country is not selected. Just follow this guide

Most Pioneers stop playing Durango Wild Lands not long ago because they know that all game data will be wiped out once the close beta test ends and they will just wait for the official release. But now they are all coming back because of this announcement.

Good Thing About The Extension

Yes it is a very disappointing news but there are big things to come to the close beta test that we can enjoy. The team conducted a survey about what do players want to see in the next big update.

Somehow they want to add Modern Islands where players can enjoy modern items such as bikes, guns, etc. 

They are also planning to add a wedding system.

These changes are based on the player survey but they are not official yet. Meaning that they might or may not appear in the game.

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