Tuesday, September 5, 2017

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

Furnace is a common thing you will see in the domain of every players. It is primarily used for cooking and crafting materials. Unlike a basic bonfire, a furnace can last much longer.

Making a furnace is simple. First, you need to have your Build skill set to level 20 or above. You can instantly have level 20 Build skill by picking Office Worker class in the starting character selection screen.

Go to Skills > Build > Crafting Structures > Furnace and learn the skill. Once you learned the skill you will be able to make a furnace. You have to spend 3 skill points to learn it.
How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

Now that you are able to build a furnace it's time to start gathering the materials. Just go to Craft/Build > Storage Unit/Workbench > Furnace to see the required materials.

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

Materials needed to build a furnace:

  • 4x Mud (Lv. 20) - You can gather mud from mud pits. You can easily find mud pits in swamp islands. You need a wooden shovel to gather mud so make sure to bring one. If you don't have a wooden shovel, follow this guide on how to make wooden shovel.
  • 2x Charcoal (Lv. 20) - In order to make charcoal, first you need to learn the skill. Go to Skills > Build > Construction Part > Charcoal and learn the skill. You need 1 skill point to learn the skill.

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

Then go to Craft/Build > Material Processing > Charcoal. To make a charcoal you need 2x wood. Just gather 4x branches from bushes or trees to make 2x charcoal.

You also need a cooking fire or kiln to make charcoal. Just go to any camp, there are free workbench there.

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

  • 2x Wooden Plank (Lv. 20) - In order to craft Planks, first you need to learn the skill. Go to Skills > Build > Construction Part > Plank then learn the skill. You need 2 skill points for it.

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

Gather 2x Log then go to Craft/Build > Material Processing > Plank and start crafting. You need a workbenh to craft planks. Just go to any camp, there are free workbench there.

How To Make A Furnace In Durango Wildlands

After completing all the required materials you can now make your own furnace. If you are planning to level up your cooking make sure to build more than one furnace.

You can now start cooking basic recipes. You will need lots of  meat. The easiest way is to catch lots of fish. Follow this guide to learn how to catch fish in Durango.

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